7 Main reasons why to study in Germany

Germany is one of the top 5 countries with the largest and strongest economy in the world, and also has the strongest economy in the EU. In regards to the education industry, Germany is among the top 4 most popular study – destination countries for international students, with around 11 to 15 % enrolled in the German universities being international students from abroad, with a majority preferring to study in Berlin and Munich due to diversity. The top 7 reasons for selecting Germany as the study destination countries include:

  1. High Quality of Education. Germany has one of the best World Class technical Institutions. This includes management institutions, engineering, IT and medical institutions. One can study either in English or German language and the degrees granted, are internationally recognized. The Schooling system is more practical than theory – based, and students are trained to be market – ready in their respective job industry. Therefore students are technically inclined to their specified skillset. During the study period, internship and apprenticeship opportunities in various sectors would not only provide more opportunities for perfecting their skillset, but also networking opportunities would give more chances to access employment opportunities upon graduation.
  2. Higher Education is tuition – free. As compared to countries like US and Canada where one would have to pay around 10k euros per year, in German Public universities, you would need to only pay a Semester fee around 100€ to 400 € which constitute of administrative costs, contribution fee and semester ticket. A semester is around 6 months long.
  3. Affordable cost of living for students. Cost of living is highly subsidized as compared to other countries like the US.  The German Government has put measures in place to subsidize insurance premiums, public transportation as well as student accommodation. This could be a ball park of around 700€ per month, but also depends on the city.
  4. Opportunity for study – work program. In Germany you can work as a student for a maximum of around 120 full days in a year, which is around 20 hours a week. One can work in regular jobs like in the supermarkets, restaurants or even warehouse logistic jobs. Minimum remuneration is around 9.19 euro per hour; this could cover for your minimum monthly expenses. However when you earn more than 450€, even as a student, you still need to pay tax. You can also opt to work in a professional job which is related to your field of study, which would also give you an upper hand to be employed after graduation. Most German universities also have career centers that can help with Job and internship application as well as writing personalized CV according to German standards, e.g having a photo on German CV gives you an upper hand during the application process.
  5. Fair amount of Job opportunities after graduation. Germany being one of the strongest economies in the world, also means it has a considerable amount of job opportunities in various sectors. Some of the highly marketable job sectors are in the health industry, education industry and STEM related fields, such as IT ; i.e. Software engineering as well as Chemical engineering, automobile and  renewable energy. Germany offers a number of job opportunities, however more jobs that are highly marketable if your German language proficiency is higher, like around B1.
  6. Path to gaining Permanent Residence in Germany is made easier as student. Upon graduation once you complete your studies, you are automatically given a visa extension of 18 months as ‘job-seeking’ visa. During this time, you can work in any field as you continue to search for a professional job related to your field of study. This is a fair chance given to international students as compared to other countries which would demand for you to return to your home country upon completion of your studies. Then once you attain the job related to your field of study, you can change your visa to a German work permit, and after at least 2 to 3 years depending on how long you have lived in Germany in total as well as worked, you can apply for a German Permanent residence permit. If you come as a student in Germany, you have better chances which are a bit straight forward to attaining your stay in Germany. German residence permit restricts you to Germany; while with the EU blue card, you can move around EU countries. After 8 years, if you were a student and tax payer you are eligible to apply for a Citizenship status.
  7. Experience rich diverse Living culture in Europe. Upon arrival in Germany, it’s always a good idea to learn the German language as this will help present many opportunities for growth, not only professionally and career wise, but also socially and culturally. Germany is also centrally located Geographic wise, and it is easy to access other EU countries from Germany. With a Schengen visa provided by Germany as well, you have access to travel to other EU countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands e.t.c

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