Mentorship Network

Mentorship Network


Listing Details

Mentorship is the relation between two or more people whereby the mentor, who typically has more experience and knowledge, provides guidance and nurtures the development of the mentee who may be less experienced in the field in question in order to help them grow and learn. The mentorship relation is based on mutual trust, goodwill and experience.

At Self Taught Academy, we have created a platform for an exclusive Peer to Peer mentorship on top of the classical Mentorship relationship, whereby all the individuals involved are knowledgeable in their respective field and they are willing to share information to enable their peers learn and be guided as per their interest, as they themselves also learn in the process from their fellow peers.

Here are the top reasons for the importance of mentorship and signing up as a mentor:

  1. Supporting Career growth: Being a mentor helps to encourage the professional and personal developments of a person. The knowledge shared can contribute to training and creating high quality skills
  2. Source of Knowledge: As mentors are highly knowledgeable in their fields, their is less gate keeping of information as one can easily approach them for clarification on specific topics
  3. Setting SMART goals: Mentors can help to hold each other accountable for their progress. They can help set up specific, achievable, relevant and time-based (SMART) goals which fellow mentees and mentors can use to track their progress in the efforts they put in to grow their career.
  4. Networking connections: Mentors also have their professional networks that they could potentially introduce you to in the long run as your professional developments grows.

Useful Tips

How to Find a Mentor
Write down the ideal profile of what type of position you would like to be in. Start researching using keyword of the title you are looking for. Then send a message introducing yourself and what exactly you would like.
Another way id by approaching your former employer manager or professor, as they may be in a better position to know you professionally as well as some of your goals, and they could introduce you to the right network

The Fundamentals of a Mentorship Relation

Setting Goals: Mentors and mentees have to create a clear goal of what the aim is at the end, as well as encourage active listening and nurturing trust.

Effective Communication: This is vital in order to achieve the end goal. therefor as a mentee, be sure to be proactive in setting appointments, noting down feedback from the mentor and always communicating your progress.

Commitment:Both parties, the mentor and mentee, require dedication for the mentorship to be effective. Communicate often, Schedule regular meetings, such as once a month, Prepare before meetings and reflect afterward, Share goals, Maintain mutual respect and Seek feedback


For regular Social Media Updates, join our chat network in the links below:

 Self Taught Academy Mentorship platform: LINK

 Whatsapp Group Chat: LINK

 Telegram Group Channel: LINK


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